Earlier this week we put a post out across our social media pages giving you guys the chance to ask us anything you want for a Q&A session. After a much greater response than we were hoping for we have chosen 10 of our favourite and most popular questions to answer.... so here we go! We hope you enjoy...

Where are you from and how do you like your home town?
We were both born and live in the outskirts of London in Essex where we have both enjoyed growing up and living as you have the best of both worlds where you can enjoy the luxury of lots of open space with the hustle and bustle of the city just on your doorstep where you are never short of places to eat or hang out as there is always somewhere different to go.
How long have you been travelling together?
We went on our first holiday together back in 2014 where we went to Orlando Florida with Alice's family. Ever since we have taken short trips away to places local to us such as France and Spain. We then decided to explore further and headed back to the states where we visited NYC and LA and our adventures have continued ever since.
What was your favourite adventure and why?
Route 66 is 100% our greatest adventure yet. We had always talked about doing a road trip and we went all out and done it in style. We also loved it so much because it gave us a taste of life on the road and how it feels to travel around. I think we would say it was our first travelling experience instead of a holiday but we are still at the beginning of our travel adventures
Where are you planning to go next?
This was a question that came up A LOT and it is defiantly something that we are excited about as we are already planning for our next trip. We are actually planning to travel around for a number of months. We don't to give too much away now because we are currently in the process of writing a whole post on this question alone as it seems to be the BIG one that keeps popping up. So keep a look our for this post towards the end of this week.
Do you have plans to visit Brazil?
Our answer to this question would be most defiantly. It isn't somewhere that we are planning to go in the near future but it is defiantly somewhere that we are keen to visit a some point.
What are the top 5 destinations you want to travel before you are both 30, of which you already haven't visited or are already planning to visit this year?
We LOVED this question because its something that we havn't actually thought much about yet. We already have some destinations lined up for the near future so thinking past those were pretty exciting. So here are some places that are a MUST before we hit 30.
1. Hawaii
2. Road trip East America (Maine to Miami)
3. Road trip west America (Seattle to San Diego)
4. Kenya (On Safari)
5. Iceland
Name 3 countries that you don't want to go?
We found this question a little bit more difficult to answer as it is also something that we have never actually thought much about because if we had the opportunity we would probably want to visit everywhere in the world to get a taste of what life is like for people living in environments that arn't so desired. But as it is an interesting question that we were asked we have to give an answer so there are just 3 of the places that would probably be last on our list of places to visit as we don't have much interest in them or we don't know enough about them.
1. Turkey
2. Russia
3. Greenland
How do you guys support your travels?
As we are waiting to get married we are still both living with our parents. We are lucky enough to both have really good jobs and not many outgoings where we are able to put the majority of what we make away in our savings so it our general income is what allows us to travel at the moment.
How long is it until you get married and what are your plans for after the wedding?
OK, so we have 125 days exactly until we get married (which has come around super fast) and at the moment all systems are so with our planning, preparations and payments. After the wedding we will be heading off to Mexico on our honeymoon where we will enjoy 2 weeks of luxury. When we come home we are lucky enough to live together at Alice's parents house where we will continue to save for our next adventure. In January we will then continue our travel adventures before settling down in our own place.
What is your favourite travel picture you have taken of yourselves?
As you have probably already guessed as it is on our homepage, this is our favourite photo so far. I think for us there is more to the picture than the way it looks. I mean, it looks pretty cool because you wouldn't be able to capture a picture like this in London, but for us it represents our whole day. We were just over half way through out Route 66 Road Trip and we were driving through the desert of Arizona. We took this photo by setting a self timer on one of our phones and we propped it against our car windscreen. We were in the middle of nowhere. There were no shops, no people and no other cars nearby for miles (as you can see behind us is the road we were heading towards) yet we can still remember this as being one of our favourite days. In the midst of nothing to do and no where to go we had THE BEST DAY. Spending time in each others company and fooling around was all that we needed.

Albert & Alice